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Footprints and Jacob: Hebrew Connections
Tomorrow’s ‘Parashah’ (weekly Torah portion) is ‘Ekev’ (Hebrew for ‘follow’). This is the third ‘Parashah’ in the Book of Deuteronomy and can be

Hidden Hebrew Letter Treasures in “Shema Yisrael!”
One of the most important and well-known Hebrew prayers is Shema Yisrael {שמע ישראל} ( Hear, O Israel ). This

Rephaim , Emim and Zamzummim : The Hebrew meaning of the mysterious ancient nation of giants
Yesterday we talked about the ancient nation of giants – the Rephaim (רפאים). The discussion about the Rephaim opens a window

Revealing the Hebrew Meanings of the Seven Species of the Land of Israel
The famous Seven Species that the Land of Israel was blessed with perpetually are mentioned in our weekly Torah portion: “For

The Hebrew Meaning of the Word ‘Prophet’
Chapter 13 of the Book of Deuteronomy opens with the following words: “If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams

Eve’s Firstborn Son Cain: Hebrew Insights Into Creation, Possessions and Shopping
The famous biblical story of Cain and Abel is found in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis. Today I

The Deeper Hebrew Meaning of the ‘Garden of Eden’
In the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, there appears for the first timea reference about the ‘Garden of

The Hebrew Origins of Adam’s Name and its Connection to the Ground
At the beginning of the second chapter of Genesis, the Bible gives us a short review of the creation: “These

The Hebrew Meaning of the Seventh Day
After six days of creation, God rested on the seventh day: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and

The Hebrew Meaning of the Rivers of the Garden of Eden (Part I)
The Bible tells us in the second chapter of the Book of Genesis about the river which flowed out of the

Israel’s Grand Old Flags: A Study of Hebrew Roots
The previous posts from last week dealt with the camp order of the people of Israel in the desert, so today

The Ark of the Covenant: Hidden Mysteries In Biblical Poetry
Before the Torah is read at the synagogue, there is a ritual of opening the ‘Torah ark’ and leading

The Hebrew Concept of Ordination
The last matter of our weekly Torah portion is when Moses appointed Joshua to succeed him. Let’s have a

The Mysterious Hebrew Structure of the Priestly Blessing
The priestly blessing is one of the most well-known biblical texts. Let’s have a look at it: “The LORD spoke

Feasts of the Lord – The Hebrew meaning of Holy Convocation
When looking closely at the biblical passages speaking about the holy days, it appears there is one phrase that keeps

Hidden Hebrew Treasures from the ‘Korbanot Toda’
Today we will continue talking about the ‘Korbanot’ {קרבנות}(Hebrew for ‘sacrifices’) and now we {קרבנות תודה} will discuss ‘Koraban Toda’.

The Hebrew etymology of the biblical pilgrimage festivals
Chapter 23 of the Book of Leviticus provides descriptions of the different holidays in the biblical calendar. In this

What is the connection between ‘Krav Maga’ and the Offerings and Sacrifices in the Tabernacle?
Our weekly Torah portion, as well as major parts of the Book of Leviticus, is concerned with the laws of

What fascinating thing do Moses and Noah have in common?
When Moses was a baby, his mother put him in a basket and sent it floating on the Nile in

What does the word “manna”mean in Hebrew?
The heavenly bread that the Children of Israel ate in the desert is better known by its other name “manna.” In

The Hebrew Names of the Ark of the Covenant
Today we will begin a short series of posts about the Ark of the Covenant and other vessels of the

What is the Original Biblical Meaning of ‘Jubilee?’
Yesterday we talked a bit about the ‘Shemitah’ {שמיטה} (‘sabbatical year’) and today we will discuss the Hebrew meaning of

What is the connection between the ‘spies’ and the Israeli Tourism Ministry?
In Biblical Hebrew, one can find two different words to describe the verb ‘to spy’. One of them can be

How does the Hebrew meaning of ‘camp’ relate to Jerusalem’s most well-known market?
During this week’s posts we have focused on the way the different tribes of Israel’s camps were organized in the
Free sample preview - Articles: Hebrew Calendar, History and Heritage

Introduction to ‘Rosh Ha-Shanah’ (Part One)
Today in the evening, Jewish people from all around the globe will celebrate the Jewish New Year which is called

Introduction to ‘Rosh Ha-Shanah’ (Part Two)
Today is the second day of the Jewish New Year – ‘Rosh Ha-Shanah {ראש השנה}.’ The reason why this Jewish

Joyous Sukkot – ‘Feast of Booths’
Today in the evening is the fifteenth day of the Hebrew month of ‘Tisheri’ {תשרי} and that means that another

What is the Deeper Hebrew Meaning of ‘Yom Kippur’?
Today at sunset will be the tenth of the Hebrew month of ‘Tisheri’ {תשרי} and this signifies the beginning of

What is the Connection Between the Book of Jonah and ‘Yom Kippur’?
As we have mentioned here before, part of the service at the synagogue during every Shabbat and Jewish holiday is publicly

What is ‘Birkat Kohanim’ and how it is related to Leonard Cohen?
Every year on the second day of ‘Chol Ha-Moed’ {חול המועד} (‘weekdays of the holiday or festival’) of Passover the

What are the ‘Ushpizin’? Hebrew Etymology lesson for ‘Sukkot’
The basic commandment of the ‘Feast of Sukkot’ is to sit/dwell in the Sukkah {סוכה} (tent or booth) for seven

The Biblical Holiday of the Rain: Shemini Atzert
“And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the people of Israel, saying, on the fifteenth day of this

Shemini Atzert or Simchat Torah: A Brief Explanation of the Hebrew
About a month ago, the holiday season started in the Jewish world. It began with Rosh Ha-Shanah {ראש השנה} (the

The Gathering: End of Shemitah Torah Readings
Every seven years, right when the year of the Shemitah {שמיטה} ends, during the Feast of Sukkot of the following

The Hebrew Calendar and the Annual Cycle of the Torah Reading
Over the last year we have mentioned many times the annual cycle of the Torah reading which is manifested in

Why eat fried foods during Hanukkah?
When the Maccabees liberated Jerusalem and entered the Temple, they wanted to light the Menorah. But then they discovered that

What is the most popular Hanukkah’s song?
After reciting the Hanukkah blessings and lighting the Menorah, it is customary to sing songs. The most popular Hanukkah song

Hanukkah Blessings
Today is the first day of Hanukkah – also known as the Festival of Lights. This holiday marks the historic

How many candles are on a Hanukkah Menorah?
Lighting the candles is the main ritual of Hanukkah {חנוכה}. Because Hanukkah lasts eight days, there are eight candles on

What is “Sevivon”?
“Sevivon” (סביבון) is the Hebrew name for a four-sided spinning top (also known as dreidel) which is the most popular

‘A Nation Shall Be Born in a Day’
Every year, right after the national Memorial Day, the state of Israel celebrates its independence. In Hebrew, this day is

Biblical Closure!
This year we will celebrate the Festival of Purim {פורים} in the upcoming week and that is why this week

Celebrating Purim: Jerusalem Style!
One of the most interesting things about Purim {פורים} is that there is a difference regarding the time of celebrating

Comfort, comfort my people
Every year, the Shabbat after ‘Tishah Be-Av’ {תשעה באב} – the fast day which commemorates the day of the destruction

Counting of the Omer
Every year, while the Temple in Jerusalem was still standing, the second day of Passover was known as the ‘first

Hebrew Fasts and Feasts: Who was Gedelia?
The day after ‘Rosh Ha-Shanah’ is known in the Jewish tradition as ‘Tzom Gedaliah'{צום גדליה} which means ‘The Fast of

Hebrew Insights: What is ‘Hoshanah Rabah?’
As we mentioned here before the ‘Feast of Sukkot’ is celebrated for SEVEN days and is the LAST day of

How the Mighty Have Fallen: A Tribute to the Fallen IDF Soldiers
Today in the evening begins ‘Yom Ha-Zikaron’ {יום הזכרון} – Israel’s official Memorial Day (it literally means ‘Remembrance Day’ in