Genesis – בְּרֵאשִׁית

Zion and Sarah: A Hebrew Word Study
This week’s ‘Haftarah’ – weekly Prophet’s portion – is found in the Book of Isaiah, chapters 49-51 and speaks about

What Was Man’s Role in the Garden of Eden?
Within the biblical description of the Garden of Eden, one can find the following words: “The LORD God took the man

What Do Adam, Eve and Haman Have in Common? A Study in Hebrew Hints and Clues
Receiving over the years countless commentator’s perspectives, interpretations and translations, the story of Adam and Eve’s sin is probably one

What did Cain Say to Abel? The Original Hebrew vs. the Translated Version
The famous story of Cain and Abel eventually ended with the killing of Abel by his brother Cain. Here is

Vegetation, Plants and Trees: A Study of Botanical Biblical Hebrew
On the third day, right after the creation of the ‘earth and ‘seas,’ the vegetation was created: “And God said,

The Smoky Mist: Biblical Hebrew Interpretations
The Bible tells us about the condition of the land prior to the creation of man in the following verse:

The Original Hebrew Meaning of ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’ – When Romance and Linguistics Meet…
After God created the woman in the Garden of Eden, the Bible tells us the following well-known story: “So the LORD

The Mysterious ‘Great Sea Creatures’ of Genesis: What Are They? (Part II )
Yesterday we started talking about the mysterious ‘great sea creatures’ of Genesis. We had a closer look at the different Bible

The Mysterious ‘Great Sea Creatures’ of Genesis – What Are They?
Today we will talk about one of the most intriguing mysteries of ‘Ma’ase Bereshit’ {מעשה בראשית} – Hebrew for ‘the act

The Hebrew Origins of Adam’s Name and its Connection to the Ground
At the beginning of the second chapter of Genesis, the Bible gives us a short review of the creation: “These

The Hebrew Meaning of the Word Angel: With Whom Did Jacob Wrestle?
Yesterday’s Parasha {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) was ‘Va-Yishlach’ {וישלח} (Hebrew for ‘and he sent’). This is the eighth weekly Torah portion

The Hebrew Meaning of the Seventh Day
After six days of creation, God rested on the seventh day: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and

The Hebrew Meaning of the Rivers of the Garden of Eden (Part II)
Yesterday we discussed the Hebrew meaning of the first two rivers found in the Garden of Eden – ‘Pishon’ and

The Hebrew Meaning of the Rivers of the Garden of Eden (Part I)
The Bible tells us in the second chapter of the Book of Genesis about the river which flowed out of the

The Hebrew Meaning of the Mysterious Serpent (Guess What It Has To Do With Guessing?)
The third chapter of the Book of Genesis tells the story of the sin of the Garden of Eden. It opens

The Hebrew Meaning of the ‘Two Great Lights’
On the fourth day of the Creation week, which is called in Hebrew ‘Yom Reviei’ {יום רביעי} (Wednesday), God created the

The Hebrew Meaning of the ‘Guardians of the Garden of Eden’: Revealing the Cherubim’s Grasp
The third chapter of the Book of Genesis ends with the description of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden

The Hebrew Meaning of ‘Deep Sleep’ and Advice for a Good Marriage
In the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, man was placed in the Garden of Eden, but

The Hebrew Double Meaning of ‘Am I My Brother’s Keeper?’- A Lesson In Free Will
After Cain killed his brother Abel, the Bible tells us about the following dialogue between God and Cain: “Then the

The Hebrew Connection between the ‘Two Great Lights’ and the Israeli Government
Yesterday we talked about the creation of the ‘great lights’ as can be found in the Book of Genesis: “And

The Hebrew Calendar and the Signs from Above
The last issue we addressed last week was regarding the creation of ‘the two great lights’ as can be

The End of the Book of Genesis: Stations in Jacob’s Life
Yesterday we finished reading all of the “Pharashot” (weekly Torah portions) of the Book of Genesis and this upcoming week

The Deeper Hebrew Meaning of the First Day of Creation
The first day of the Creation ends with the following words: “God called the light Day, and the darkness he

The Deeper Hebrew Meaning of the Biblical ‘Tree of Knowledge’
Yesterday we discussed the first out of the two special trees that were planted in the Garden of Eden: the

The Deeper Hebrew Meaning of the ‘Garden of Eden’
In the second chapter of the Book of Genesis, there appears for the first timea reference about the ‘Garden of

The Creation of the World: Hebrew Interpretation
During the last couple of days we discussed the deeper meaning of the original Hebrew regarding the beginning of Creation.

The Cave of the Patriarchs
The “Cave of the Patriarchs” is the place, in which, according to Jewish tradition, all patriarchs and matriarchs of the

The Angels of God and Abraham’s Hebrew
Today’s Parasha {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is’Va-Yera’ {וירא} (Hebrew for ‘and He appeared’). This is the fourth weekly Torah portion from

The ‘Double Blessing’ of Tuesday –Origins of a Hebrew Idiom
When one takes a closer look at what is written in the Bible about the second day of Creation, an

Out of the Darkness: ‘Let there be light!’
If we examine closely the scriptures (and especially after the last few post’s clarifications) it seems that the first thing

Noah – The Righteous Man
Tomorrow’s Parashah {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is Noach {נח} (Hebrew for Noah.) This is the second weekly Torah portion in the

Israel’s Destiny: More than Brothers
“Vayigash” {ויגש} (Hebrew for “and he drew near”) is the eleventh weekly Torah portion (parashah {פרשה}) in the annual Jewish

In the Image of God – The Other Mysterious Hebrew Meaning
A few days ago, we discussed the Hebrew meaning of the well-known biblical figure of speech ‘let us make man in

In the Image of God – Hebrew Etymology of the Word ‘Tzelem’
The Biblical phrase ‘let us make man’ is only the FIRST part of a complete sentence, which is: “Then God said,

Humanity’s First Mother: Hebrew Insights Into Her Name
A couple of weeks ago I discussed the Hebrew meaning of the name ‘Adam'{אדם} which derives from the Hebrew word for

How many Tribes of Israel are there?
It seems like a strange question because we all know Jacob had twelve sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun,

How Many Lives Did Sarah Have? A Study in Biblical Hebrew Grammar
Today’s Parashah {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is ‘Chayei Sarah’ {חיי שרה} (Hebrew for ‘Life of Sarah’). This is the fifth weekly

Hidden Hebrew Hints: The ‘Secret’ Siblings of Cain and Abel
Following the initial discussion about the Hebrew meaning of Cain and Abel’s names, in this post I would like to

Good or Bad? A Lesson on the Deeper Hebrew Meaning of ‘Craftiness’
Chapter three of the Book of Genesis opens with the following words: “Now the serpent was more crafty than any

God’s Warning to Cain: A Study of Hebrew Idioms
After God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s offering, the Bible reveals God’s words to Cain: “Then the LORD said

God’s Request of Abram – a Hebrew Interpretation
Today’s Parashah {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is ‘Lech-Lecha’ {לך לך} (Hebrew for ‘go for you’). This is the third weekly

God’s Lesson for Cain: A Study in Hebrew Opposites
Following the rejected offering, God’s words to Cain are very intriguing and absolutely outstanding from the Hebrew language perspective. Today’s

God and the Order of Creation: The Deeper Hebrew Meaning of the First Verse of the Bible (Part II)
Some of the comments I received about yesterday’s post pointed out that it seemed like I ‘stopped in the middle’ and there

God and the Order of Creation: The Deeper Hebrew Meaning of the First Verse of the Bible
Every week before Shabbat, I write about the ‘Parasha’ {פרשה} (the weekly Torah portion). This week is very special and

From the Highest of Heights to the Depths of the Sea: The Hebrew Concept of ‘Expanse.’
Last time we spoke about the ‘expanse’ or the ‘firmament’ as described in the first chapter of Genesis: “And God

From Chaos to Order: the Hebrew Meaning of ‘Tohu Va-Vohu’
During the last two days we discussed in detail the first verse of the Hebrew Bible: ‘In the beginning, God

Eve’s Firstborn Son Cain: Hebrew Insights Into Creation, Possessions and Shopping
The famous biblical story of Cain and Abel is found in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis. Today I

Did Cain Kill Only Abel: ‘Your Brother’s Blood Cries Out To Me From The Ground”
In the previous post, we discussed in detail Cain’s rather ‘odd’ reply to God when God asked him the whereabouts

Deeper Hebrew Meanings from the Garden of Eden
Following Adam and Eve’s sin, God punished them. In this post, I would like to focus on Adam and Eve’s

Comparisons of the Bible Translations and the Original Hebrew: ‘Let it separate the waters from the waters’
Today we will continue with ‘Ma’ase Bereshit’ {מעשה בראשית} – Hebrew for ‘the act of the Creation of the world’