Genesis – בְּרֵאשִׁית

Cain and Abel’s Offerings (Part Two)
In the last post, we discussed the important question as to why God FAVORED Abel’s offering and REJECTED Cain’s offering.

Cain and Abel’s Offerings (Part One)
After Cain and Abel had grown up, the Bible tells us the following: “…Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked

Between Jacob and King David
On Saturday mornings, after the Torah is read, another biblical selection called the”Haftarah” (Hebrew for “to conclude”) is read. This

April Fool’s Day
Today is April first – the day that is also known as ‘April Fool’s day’. The Biblical Hebrew word for

Advice for Life –the Hebrew Meaning of the Biblical Tree of Life
The Bible mentions by name TWO trees that were planted in the Garden of Eden: “The tree of life was in

“He Will Crush Your Head and You Will Strike His Heel” – The Amazing Hebrew Explanation of the Battle Between Man and the Snake
Yesterday we talked a bit about the original Hebrew meaning of the word ‘Nachash’ {נחש} which was translated to English as

‘Struggled Together’ – The ‘Hebrew’ Battle Between Esau and Jacob
Today’s Parasha {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is ‘Toldot’ {תולדות} (Hebrew for ‘generations’). This is the sixth weekly Torah portion in

‘Opposite Couples’ – The Waters and Their Lines
On the third day of the creation, God made the earth and the seas as recorded in the Book of

‘Opposite Couple’ – the Hebrew Meaning of ‘Dry Land’
Yesterday we talked about the creation of the ‘seas’ and the Genesis line listing ‘opposite couples.’ This means the ‘earth’

‘Life Is Short’: Abel’s Destiny Hidden in the Hebrew Meaning of His Name
Cain’s famous brother was Abel. The Bible tell us that Abel was born after Cain; and unlike the latter, the

‘In Our Image After Our Likeness’ – A Short Study in Medieval Jewish Philosophy’
In the last week, we have dealt with the creation of man and especially with the well-known biblical verse: “Then

‘Honor Your Father and Your Mother’ – Jacob’s Journey to Haran from the Hebrew Perspective
Today’s Parasha {פרשה} (weekly Torah portion) is ‘Va-Yetze’ {ויצא} (Hebrew for ‘and he left’). This is the seventh weekly Torah portion