What is ‘Lag Ba-Omer’?
Today is the 33rd day in the count of the Omer {עומר} (or as we call it in Hebrew ‘Lag
Today is the 33rd day in the count of the Omer {עומר} (or as we call it in Hebrew ‘Lag
‘Chol Ha-Moed’ {חול המועד} is Hebrew for ‘weekdays of the holiday or festival’ and it refers to the days of
The days between ‘Rosh Ha-Shanah’ (the Jewish New Year) and ‘Yom Kippur’ are called in Hebrew ‘Aseret Yemei Teshuvah’ {עשרת
Tomorrow we will commemorate ‘Tishah Be-Av’ {תשעה באב} – Hebrew for ninth of the month of Av – which is
Today is the 14th of the Hebrew month of Adar {אדר} (the twelfth and last month in the Hebrew calendar).
The main ‘Mitzvah’ {מצווה} (commandment) of the ‘Feast of Sukkot’ is to of course be inside of the ‘Sukkah.’ {סוכה}
Today is Tishah Be-Av {תשעה באב}, which is the ninth day in the Hebrew month of Av. The day the
Today is the 10th of the Hebrew month of “Tevet” {טבת}. It is one of the six fast days in
As mentioned in the first post about Passover, one of the main rituals of the first night of this holiday
Beside sitting or ‘dwelling’ in the Sukkah the other main ‘Mitzvah’ (biblical commandment) of the ‘Feast of Sukkot’ is the well-known